We solely exist to create employment opportunities for individuals with Autism and other Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, while selling really cool socks. We have created a retail environment where our staff is appreciated and valued while we promote social interaction and a sense of purpose within our community. We want to change the way that people with disabilities are seen, respected, valued, and employed since we believe that everyone has the right to work and be an active and valued contributor in our society. Most importantly - employ as many people that we can without the expectation of personal gain.

Our Founder
Meet Jim, he’s a father and an advocate for those with Special Needs, he’s our faithful leader. He has many ventures under his belt as well as other current and successful businesses. Jim feels God-inspired to use his many years of business experience and knowledge to create worthwhile businesses whose sole purpose is to employ people with Autism and other Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Jim calls it his “Second Act”, creating job opportunities for people with Special Needs, employing them, no matter their disability so they feel included, supported, needed and appreciated in our society.

Our Inspiration
Molly is our inspiration and our Founder’s daughter. Molly is an adult with Autism who loves people fiercely, without judgement or hesitation. Over the years we have seen Molly grow and flourish as she been given the opportunity to interact in our community and her independence and confidence has grown with opportunities that her family has made for her. Molly has always loved socks and positivity, all things we strive to reflect at Couple of Socks. If everyone in the world treated each other as Molly treats people, we would have world peace.
Our Team
We purposely employ people of all abilities. Be it Autism, Down Syndrome, or any other Intellectual or Developmental Disability. Our staff is comprised of typically functioning adults along with adults who have varying visible and/or hidden disabilities. We work together to implement our mission and to create a positive environment for those who both work at, and visit our stores. All of God’s people are created equally; some just need a little more love, understanding and a job created opportunity to flourish.
Our Goal is to Maintain the Following Standards and Values
People must always be more important than products and services.
Keep away from pride in our own programs, plans, and successes.
People must always be considered above the making of money.
Do what is right, no matter the cost.
Remember that God's Will and Word must never be compromised.
Our Story
Want to know more about our story and why we are going on this journey to employ some really special people?
In the Press
Take a look at our Instagram Feed, as well as some news and press releases about us!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have some questions about our shipping policies? Our return policies?